Mount and blade warband making money
Mount and blade warband making money

mount and blade warband making money mount and blade warband making money mount and blade warband making money

In return, the facility can convert raw material into finished product goods that usually have a higher sell price, allowing the player to profit from the difference. How To Make Money Mount And BladeĪvailable Productive Enterprises as offered by the Guild Master.A Productive Enterprise is a feature in that allows a player to build a small industrial facility for a large initial lump-sum plus a weekly maintenance fee. Right now, I only have two enterprises (weavery and dyeworks), one in Swadia, and one at Rivacheg. What are your ways to make money in Warband Vanilla? I've got my companions blunt weapons, leveled my prisoner management, and was able to make a lot of money through that, with the help of selling Sea Raider's equipment.

Mount and blade warband making money